
Understanding Legionnaires Disease

Understanding Legionnaires Disease

Legionnaires disease, also known as Legionellosis, is a severe atypical pneumonia caused by inhaling water droplets containing Legionella bacteria. Its onset is sudden, characterized by high fever, headache, muscle pains, and confusion. In some cases, it can be fatal, requiring hospitalization, antibiotics, and breathing assistance. The disease can take up to a year for full recovery. In the UK, about 350 cases are reported each year, with a 12% fatality rate in community settings. In healthcare settings, the mortality rate is higher, emphasizing the critical importance of Legionella risk control and prevention.

Act Fast: Legionnaires Disease Symptoms Can Escalate to Fatal Pneumonia

The development of Legionnaires disease can occur within two to ten days, presenting flu-like symptoms including high temperature, fever, headache, and coughing. Seeking immediate medical attention is crucial, as it can lead to severe pneumonia, requiring weeks of antibiotic treatment. If left untreated, it can be fatal.

Protecting Public and Private Spaces: Legionella Prevention for All

Legionella thrives in public places such as swimming pools, hospitals, and offices, necessitating vigilant facilities management to prevent its spread. Though rare, contracting it in homes is possible, making it essential for landlords to prioritize Legionella prevention and conduct regular safety checks for tenants.

Protect the Vulnerable: Control Legionella at Its Source

Legionella is not transmitted from person to person but is contracted through breathing in mist from contaminated water. Effective control at the source is essential, especially in high-risk environments such as retirement homes, hospitals, and hospices, where the elderly, smokers, and individuals with specific health conditions are most vulnerable.

Protect Your Environment from Legionnaires Disease with Complete Water Care

Preventing Legionnaires disease involves maintaining water temperatures below 20 degrees Celsius or above 60 degrees Celsius to inhibit Legionella growth. Additionally, treatment chemicals can be employed in swimming pools and spas as an effective measure to combat Legionella. At Complete Water Care, we provide expert Legionella risk assessment and testing services, helping you safeguard your environment from this potential threat.

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